WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday | June 26th, 2024

Hello and Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! Last week I took a little break from WWW Wednesday. I was enjoying some much needed girl time with my mom and time slipped away from me. Now, Mr. Man is back home from his Florida trip and we are slowly getting back into our weekly routine. I’m so happy to have him back home, a week was far too long for him to be away. This week, I was busy and haven’t really had the chance to read much. So, without further wait, let’s get started with today’s post!

If you’re new to WWW  Wednesday, this is a weekly book meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. Each week we answer the three W’s: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan on reading next?

What Are You Currently Reading?

I’m currently reading Storm by Abbi Glines!! If you have not had the chance to read Sizzling, I highly recommend you read it before diving into Storm. This book picks up where that one left off. So far, I’m really enjoying this one but we shall see if that feeling follows throughout the whole novel.

Storm (Georgia Smoke Series Book 4)

Abbi Glines – Storm | Amazon: https://amzn.to/3L119nZ

What Did You Recently Finish Reading?

I just finished For Keeps by KC Everly. I’m fairly new to the polyamorous theme in romance novels. I have to say, K.C. Everly hit the mark with this novel! I loved the fact that she took this trope/theme/subgenre and gave me four different love stories within it (Fallon/Jake, Fallon/Beau, Jake/Beau, and Fallon/Jake/Beau)! If novels featuring Polyamory relationships is not for you, I highly suggest you move on from this novel. If you’re looking to dip your toe in the Why Choose trope, definitely pick up this novel! I will definitely be looking forward to reading more from K.C. Everly in the very near future!

For Keeps 

K.C. Everly – For Keeps | Releasing on June 30th: https://amzn.to/3xz5Pyb

What Do You Plan On Reading Next?

Next up on my reading list is Love Betrayal by Chantal Fernando! I’m ready to dive into this one! I can’t wait!!

Love Betrayal (Angels & Devils MC Book 2) 

Chantal Fernando – Love Betrayal | Amazon: https://amzn.to/4emQLEk

What are you reading this week?

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Peace Love and Happy Reading,


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