Friday 56

Friday 56 (#20)

My (1)

Friday 56 is a book meme hosted by Freda’s Voice

The Rules:

1. Grab a book
2. Turn to Page 56 in a physical book or 56% in your eReader of choice.
3. Find a line or paragraph that jumps out at you and share!

My Friday 56 Sentence/Paragraph:

“If you act like it doesn’t bother you,
you steal their power. Head up, Fal. It’s

only a big deal if you let it be.”

About The Book:

For Keeps
(The Windmere Series)
By: K.C. Everly

Release Date: June 30th, 2024
PreOrder Today:
Amazon US:
Amazon World:


Past sparks or present flames? Sometimes, you don’t have to choose…

My future is neatly planned, and it belongs to Jake Lauder, my steadfast love since high school. But when Beau Dalton breezes back into our small town, it sets off a chain reaction that threatens to ignite us all.

Because Beau isn’t just my former flame—he’s Jake’s lifelong heated rival.

Beau’s return sparks more than just old memories when he and Jake are forced to work together. Their simmering history of competition reaches a boiling point when they both set their sights on the one thing they desire most: me.

And I want both of them.

Can I have two larger-than-life men without getting burned in a small town where gossip spreads like wildfire? The hardest choices can lead to the most unexpected outcomes… because sometimes you can have it all in matters of the heart.

My Thoughts.. So Far:

I’m currently 15% into this novel and I had to skip ahead for this post. So far, I’m enjoying the getting to know the characters period of this novel. I’m feeling the intensity and the dislike between Beau vs. Jake and I’m here for it! I’m also feeling Fallon’s need and desperation for her friendship and her relationship. This is going to be an interesting novel! The slow burn vibes are starting to heat up! I haven’t had the chance to read much from the Why Choose/Reverse Harem trope, I’m a bit new to this type of novel. but I have a feeling I’m going to really enjoy this one!

What are you reading today?
feel free to share your Friday 56 with me in the comments!

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Peace Love and Happy Reading,


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