Review Policy

The Staircase Reader’s Review Policy

I’m currently open to book review requests.

Last updated: May 28th, 2024

Please read my entire Review Policy before submitting a request.

Policies and disclaimers

My Reviews are based on my honest opinion of said novel. I reserve my right to share the full extent of my opinions including: Low-Ratings and Criticism. Content that may be triggering will be labeled in a content warning in my review.

I try to review all books in a timely manner, but I cannot guarantee to have my review ready by release date, the requested deadline date and/or the requested time frame due to family emergencies and such. If a situation where I can’t review a book on a timely matter occurs, I will contact you as soon as possible.

I reserve my right to not finish (DNF) and/or not review a book I received for reviewing purposes. This could be from trigger warnings or such content. If this should happen, a review will not be posted.

My Disclaimer For DNFing Novels.

I make it a mission to try and read every single book I pick up for Review. But sometimes the unthinkable happens and a DNF situation has to occur. 

If I’m not feeling a book at the quarter (25%) mark, I will DNF the novel and not review it. 

However, sometimes a novel takes a turn I’m not feeling at the 50% mark and/or the 75% mark and I have to set it to the side. If this rare DNF occurs, I will skip a rating, and still write a review stating that I DNF’d the book and the reasons why. 

Where I post My reviews:

I post my reviews on Goodreads, Bookbub, Netgalley, and Amazon. You can also find all of my reviews on my blog site: The Staircase Reader


I accept New Adult and Adult Novels in eBook (PDF, EPUB, MOBI), Paperback, and Hardback formats.

I accept Novels, Novellas, and Short Stories.

I accept books written in English.

I accept Romance Novels and I do not accept Anything Outside of the Romance Genre.

About My Reviews and My Reviewing Style

I write my reviews from my own perspective: A person who likes to read for fun, but is also critical about the contents and quality of the book. I consider my reviews to be written in a structured, informal fashion.

I try to keep spoilers to an absolute minimum and only use them to explain my opinion better, to get a point across and to explain representation and/or (potentially) problematic content. These spoilers come with a tag or warning, or they are really minor (for example, information that is mentioned in the book description).

My Review structure

  • Blog Title. Book Review | <title book> – <name author> (Name series and number of book in series)
  • Book Information and My Star rating. Title, Author, Series, Book # In the series, Genre, Trope(s), Publisher, Publication Date, Reading Format and My Rating will be listed next to the image of the book cover. Below that will be the synopsis. 
  • If I have received a book for free for reviewing purposes, I always state this at the start of the review. I also include that my review is still my honest opinion, regardless of the fact that I received the book for free. I aim for honesty and transparency on my blog.
  • Little introduction of the post and book. Think of a catchy opening sentence, comment on where I got the book, why I decided to read it, etc. This element may vary.
  • Body of the review. The body consists of my thoughts on the book, which is often, but not limited to, a combination of my thoughts on the plot, characters & their arcs, the writing, what did(n’t) work for me and anything else relevant.
  • Conclusion. A small wrap-up about the most noteworthy parts of the book and my thoughts, if I recommend it or not and whether I would read more books in the series/by the author.
  • Links. I include links to relevant pages Amazon Affiliate purchase links 
  • Content warnings. 

My Rating system

Highly Recommend (★★★★★)
Recommended. (★★★★☆)
Needed more to capture my attention. (★★★☆☆)
I wasn’t feeling this one. (★★☆☆☆)
This book was not my cup of tea (★☆☆☆☆)

Peace Love and Happy Reading,


You can also find me here:

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