Top ten Tuesday

24 Romance Novels on my Spring 2024 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week is a new bookish category in which we get to brag about our favorite books that fit with the week’s category. You can pick your top 5, 10, 15…or so on. I tend to keep my list to ten! Today’s category:  Books on my Spring 2024 TBR

Book Haul

2024 | February Book Haul

It's my second book haul of 2024! This month I received quite a few advanced copies.. I may have gone a tad bit overboard on my requesting, but what can I say, there were some great releases this month!! I also added a few books to my kindle and there's a few adjustments to my kindle unlimited library! So let's get started with my February book haul!

Release Week

Romance Release Week Recap | January 29th, 2024 – February 4th, 2024

Release Week Recap Hello Sunday! It's the end of the week and this girl is tired! But good news, Mr. Man and I signed a contract with a construction company to come tear out our door and install the new door! FINALLY! The old door has seen its better days and is a serious eye sore. Once our new french style door is placed in, then comes the living room renovations! I'm officially in color pallete mode! Now let's get to the reasoning you all are here, it’s Sunday and you know what that means?! It’s time to recap all romance novels that released this week. Let's get started!

Anticipated releases

2024 | February Anticipated Romance Releases

Goodbye January and WELCOME FEBRUARY! There are so many new releases hitting the shelves this month, and in all honesty, I'm anticipating way too many of them! My book budget is going to feel it this month. This month i've decided to share my 10 MOST anticipated romance releases. I can't wait to get my hands on each title! Hopefully I can find the time to read them all this month. We shall see.


2024 | February Reading List

Hello Everyone! And welcome to my second reading list of 2024! This month will be an advanced copy catch up month. I have six ARCs to read for review and I also listed 4 books from my kindle unlimited shelf I hope to read. Hopefully I can achieve my ten book goal by the end of February! I have a feeling it's going to be a great reading month! Let's Get Started!!

3.5 stars · Book Review · Brighton Walsh

Book Review | Possessive Heart – Brighton Walsh (Starlight Cover Series, Book Five)

I’m her brother’s best friend, and for the past ten years, I’ve also been Addison McKenzie’s dirty little secret. My pro-hockey player lifestyle kept me from her, but I thought we had a good thing going. Burning up the sheets whenever I visited home worked well for us. Or so I thought. When a season-ending injury sends me back to Starlight Cove, I find out she thinks of me as nothing more than a mistake.

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday | January 31st, 2024

Hello and Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! If you're new to WWW  Wednesday, this is a weekly book meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. Each week we answer the three W’s: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan on reading next? This past week was an awesome week for reading! But I have a feeling this current week will be even better!  Let’s Get Started!

Book Haul

2024 | January Book Haul

Welcome to my first book haul of 2024! Last year, I tried to share and update my blog with physical book hauls... but in all honesty, there was a stretch of time when I wasn't buying physical books. Instead, I was loading up my kindle with ebooks and stocking my ku library with new releases! So this year, my book hauls are going to look a little different than the years that came before. This year, I'll be sharing all the books I added to my library. Some will be physical copies. But there will also be ebooks, audio books, and at the end of every month I'll add the books that are currently sitting in my ku library. I think this will help me to keep better track on all the books I had intended to read. So let's get started with this January Book Haul!

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday | January 24th, 2024

Good morning/afternoon everyone and welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! WWW  Wednesday is a weekly book meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. Each week we answer the three W’s. What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan on reading next? Let's Get Started!