Wrap up

2024 | February Wrap Up

GOODBYE, FEBRUARY! I can't believe we are one day away from MARCH! Which goes to show how swiftly 2024 is moving. February wasn't as busy as I expected it to be. Mr. Man and I are planning our spring/summer garden, our summer home renovations, and we finally finished our living room patio door renovation! I'm loving how much light that door brings to the living room now! Next is drywall, painting, and then moving our furniture from the dining room to the living room. I can't wait to see the final project! With all that said, it was a great month for reading. I read 11 books and I'm actually surprised I read this many. Some were great reads, a few were okay, and a couple were dislikes. So let's get to all the novels I read this month.

Book Haul

2024 | February Book Haul

It's my second book haul of 2024! This month I received quite a few advanced copies.. I may have gone a tad bit overboard on my requesting, but what can I say, there were some great releases this month!! I also added a few books to my kindle and there's a few adjustments to my kindle unlimited library! So let's get started with my February book haul!

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday | February 14th, 2024

Hello and Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! If youโ€™re new to WWWย  Wednesday, this is a weekly book meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. Each week we answer the three Wโ€™s: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan onย reading next? Let's get started!

4.5 stars · Book Review · C.A. Harms

Book Review | Sweet Southern Memories – C.A. Harms (Magnolia Grove Series, Book Two)

Sweet Southern Memories By: C.A. Harms Genre:ย Small Town Romance Book # in Series: 2 of 12 Tropes: Single Mother, Second Chance, Medicine, Small Town Doctor Publisher:ย Indie Publication Date: February 8th, 2024 My Rating: โœฎโœฎโœฎโœฎ ยฝ

Friday 56

Friday 56 (#16)

Today's Friday 56 comes from a novel I just finished reading. Sweet Southern Memories by C.A. Harms took me by surprise. I wasn't really expecting to love this one due to the fact that the hero is a doctor and I'm not really into medical romances. However, C.A. Harms proved a point to me. Never judge a book by it's trope! I ended up really loving and adoring this novel!!ย 

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday | February 7th, 2024

This past week has been amazing! I'm learning new crafts, reading great novels, and planning my summer garden! February is the month I start to sow my seeds indoors. It's going to be tricky this year, we are doing root vegetables, and I've never really had anything to do with growing potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, and radishes... My nerves are starting to get the best of me, but I have faith in myself! Also, good news on the home renovation front... My new side door is finally here, it'll be delivered on Thursday and the contractor will start demo on Friday, hopefully. There is nothing like tearing out a door in February.... This should be interesting. Hopefully the weather stays calm.ย  With all that being said, let's get started with this WWW Wednesday.

Anticipated releases

2024 | February Anticipated Romance Releases

Goodbye January and WELCOME FEBRUARY! There are so many new releases hitting the shelves this month, and in all honesty, I'm anticipating way too many of them! My book budget is going to feel it this month. This month i've decided to share my 10 MOST anticipated romance releases. I can't wait to get my hands on each title! Hopefully I can find the time to read them all this month. We shall see.


2024 | February Reading List

Hello Everyone! And welcome to my second reading list of 2024! This month will be an advanced copy catch up month. I have six ARCs to read for review and I also listed 4 books from my kindle unlimited shelf I hope to read. Hopefully I can achieve my ten book goal by the end of February! I have a feeling it's going to be a great reading month! Let's Get Started!!

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday | January 31st, 2024

Hello and Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! If you're new to WWWย  Wednesday, this is a weekly book meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. Each week we answer the three Wโ€™s: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan onย reading next? This past week was an awesome week for reading! But I have a feeling this current week will be even better!ย  Letโ€™s Get Started!

C.A. Harms · Cover Reveal

Cover Reveal | Kissing My Crush – C.A. Harms (The Kissing Games Series, Book Three)

COVER REVEAL Title: Kissing My Crush Aย Kissing Games Seriesย Standalone Author: C.A. Harms Genre: Contemporary Romance Tropes: Friends to Lovers/Accidental Pregnancy Cover Design: Sarah Paige Photographer: Lindee Robinson Release Date: June 29, 2023 BLURB Amara Tyler Collins has always been the object of my affection. He just doesnโ€™t know it. Iโ€™ve spent years admiring him, fantasizing… Continue reading Cover Reveal | Kissing My Crush – C.A. Harms (The Kissing Games Series, Book Three)