Book Haul

2024 | April Book Haul

Welcome to another wonderful book haul! I went into April thinking, this is the month I'm not going to buy or download anymore books until a read a few books.... But that all went out the window with all the freebies authors were sharing this month. Of course, I had to pick up a few of these recommendations! So let's get started!

4 stars · Book Review · Quinn Marlowe

Book Review | Guitars and Mistakes – Quinn Marlowe (Trouble Next Door Series, Book Two)

Guitars and Mistakes By: Quinn Marlowe Series: Trouble Next Door Book # in Series: 2 out of 4 Genre: Rockstar Romance/Angst Publisher: Spitfire Press Publication Date: February 20th, 2024 My Rating: ✮✮✮✮ My Reading Format: I received a complimentary copy from the author to review honestly

Wrap up

2024 | February Wrap Up

GOODBYE, FEBRUARY! I can't believe we are one day away from MARCH! Which goes to show how swiftly 2024 is moving. February wasn't as busy as I expected it to be. Mr. Man and I are planning our spring/summer garden, our summer home renovations, and we finally finished our living room patio door renovation! I'm loving how much light that door brings to the living room now! Next is drywall, painting, and then moving our furniture from the dining room to the living room. I can't wait to see the final project! With all that said, it was a great month for reading. I read 11 books and I'm actually surprised I read this many. Some were great reads, a few were okay, and a couple were dislikes. So let's get to all the novels I read this month.

Book Haul

2024 | February Book Haul

It's my second book haul of 2024! This month I received quite a few advanced copies.. I may have gone a tad bit overboard on my requesting, but what can I say, there were some great releases this month!! I also added a few books to my kindle and there's a few adjustments to my kindle unlimited library! So let's get started with my February book haul!

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday | February 28th, 2024

Hello and Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! If you’re new to WWW  Wednesday, this is a weekly book meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. Each week we answer the three W’s: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan on reading next? Let’s Get Started!

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday | February 21st, 2024

Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday POST! If you're new to this bookish post, let me break it down for you. Each week there are three questions to answer..... What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan to read next? Let's Get Started!!

Wrap up

2023 | December Wrap Up

Welcome to my final reading wrap up of 2023! Can you all believe it's officially 2024! It seems like it was yesterday when I was waking up to it being 2023. Where does the time go? With that being said, let's get to this wrap up. My kindle/kindleunlimited Reads: ✮✮✮✮ Jamie Begley - A Treepoint Christmas… Continue reading 2023 | December Wrap Up

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday | December 13th, 2023

“WWW Wednesday | August 2nd, 2023” If you are new, WWW Wednesday is a weekly book meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. Each week we answer the three W’s. What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan on reading next? What Are You Currently Reading? I'm currently reading… Continue reading WWW Wednesday | December 13th, 2023


2023 | December Reading List

Hello, December! Welcome to another reading list! I always try to stick with my monthly TBRs but sometimes I tend to stray off the list and read different books. This month, however, I'll be sticking to this list in hopes of reaching my reading goal. So let's get started with this list! Disclaimer: This post contains… Continue reading 2023 | December Reading List

3 stars · Book Review · Quinn Marlowe

Book Review | Tattoos and Heartbreak – Quinn Marlowe (Trouble Next Door Series, Book One)

Tattoos and Heartbreak By: Quinn Marlowe Series: Trouble Next Door Book # in Series: 1 of 2 Genre: Rockstar Romance/Emotional Publisher: Spitfire Press Publication Date: December 5th, 2023 My Rating: ✮✮✮ My Reading Format: I received a complimentary copy from the author to review honestly Synopsis: He’s got everything she ever wanted. She’s got everything he’s always needed.… Continue reading Book Review | Tattoos and Heartbreak – Quinn Marlowe (Trouble Next Door Series, Book One)